This is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain. It was presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2009. It opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and won a 2010 academy award under the category of animated short.
8-bits creatures academy award Alberto Campo Baeza alex roman Alex Trochut Andalucia architecture ARES Lab Arev Manoukian Brosmind calatrava canal+ Candas Sisman Christopher Hewitt Combustion Cypheraudio David Kamp Dvein echolab Edouard Salier Eran Hilleli Esteban Diacono exhibition exillion Fabrice O.Joubert FITC Amsterdam Flyfire Freefarm Gavin Little Gmunk Google maps Gravity Gravité h5 hecq hellohikimori Honest Ilya Abulhanov Julien Vallée korb kultnation leds Leonardo Da Vinci louis kahn Lumiere Studios manvsmachine Marcelo Baldin Massive Attack Maxim Zhestkov Menno Fokma Mickael Fakesch mies Mischa Rozema mit mona lisa monolake mtv Museum new york Nobody Beats The Drum Offf One More Production onesize Onionlab Onur Senturk Patrick Jean Physalia playground festival Polynoid PostPanic printed prologue Psst! Pass It on 3 Realflow Renascent Renaud Hallée Richard De Souza Rob Chiu Robert Henke Rogier van der Zwaag Sebastien Laban Sehsucht SENSEable City Laboratory spain spy films Studio Takt Sundance Film Festival SUPINFOCOM the KDU the manoeuvre The Mill Tim Bollinger Tim Brown titles Universal Everything upper-first vasava Video Music Awards Virginie Goyons Zeitguised