“A-cero XV Aniversario” is a 3D mapping projection directed by Onionlab on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the architecture studio A-cero. The first six minutes review the three architectural lines followed by the studio throughout its 15-year history, first posing the bases of sculptural origin and finishing off with samples of the most representative works. Finally, Onionlab presents a personal vision of the architecture of the future where light, dynamic surfaces, liquids and domotics are the protagonists.” Onionlab source

Directed and Produced by: Onionlab
Music and Sound Design: Leiko
Technical Engineering: Bnc Audiovisuales
Onionlab Crew.
Direction: Aleix Fernández
Creative Proposal: Anxo Amarello (Recwind), Aleix Fernández.
Lead 3D Artists: Carles Munne (Els altres)
Tecnical Direction: Jordi Pont
Mike van der Noordt
Anxo Amarello
Pepe Vega
Pau Segarra
Mariane Paoletti
Aleix Fernández
Mapping Live Recording:
Joel Mestre